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Sunday Celebration Service

Worshipers in a Sunday Celebration Service at GO Church read the scriptures.

We know what it feels like to be new to a place and not sure how to act or what to expect. At GO Church, we want you to feel as if you have come home - our home is your home! Whether it's your first time at church or you've gone to church for years, our Sunday services are a welcoming place for you to enjoy worshiping Jesus with others. We know many people are looking for a church that is not only fun, but uplifting, enriching and transforming. GO Church is all that. We are a non-denominational, spirit filled church of people from many nations.


What to wear: At GO Church you will find people dressed anywhere from suit and tie or dresses, to shorts and t-shirts. Formal, casual, middle of the road are all accepted at GO Church (just remember to be respectful to others and the Lord).


Here are some of the things you may see during our services, but we want you to know we have no expectations of how you should participate - we appreciate different expressions of worship:

  • People lifting their hands as they sing (we are surrendering to God)

  • Spontaneous singing

  • Dancing (we are celebrating - feel free to participate, or not—we are OK with that)

  • Clapping

  • Public prophecy - this may be a general word to the church, or to an individual

  • Prayer for healing - we believe that God wants to heal us.

GO Church Worship Team sings/plays an Zulu song.

Our worship features various genres of music and incorporates songs from different cultures and languages with English as the main language. We don't just think it is cute that you are different, we embrace you regardless of age or culture.

Jesus said "My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations" Matthew 21:13. At GO Church we take this seriously and since our very first service, we have paused in every service to take time to pray for a different nation or people group (including the US).

SInce the very first service - GO CHurch has prayed for a different nation or people group in each service. Here we pray for various nations.
Global Cafe - meals after each service at GO Church

We place a very high premium on fellowship at GO Church. In each service we break for about 10 minutes before the preaching of the word. This is a time you may refresh yourself with coffee, juice or water, but more importantly - you get a change to fellowship and share an encouraging word with each other. At the end of each service, the fellowship time continues with Global Cafe, where our members provide a snack.

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© 2024 by Global Outreach Church

Checking out Christian Churches in Virginia Beach? Global Outreach Church is based in the Virginia Beach Town Center area of Hampton Roads, just across the street from Mt. Trashmore. We have an active ministry to Children, Internationals and First Responders. We would love to serve you and your family. For further information, please call us (757) 966-0312 or complete the form on this page.

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