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Prayer tent at Mt.Trashmore, across the street from Global Outreach Church
July 4th Block Party at GO Church - complimentary hotdogs and hamburgers
Praying for Captain Pat Gallagher at Global Outreach Church.
GO Church members participate in the annual Mothers Against Drunk Driving Walk (MADD)
Frozen yogurt samples given to visitors from across the street at Mt. Trashmore
Blood Drive at GO Church

Outreach is not just a part of our name - it is what we do. From ministry to the poor, a prayer tent at Mt. Trashmore, overseas missions trips, reaching out to first responders in our community, a blood drive, participating in walks to raise awareness of certain causes or the tried and true witnessing one-on-one, we love outreach. We want to reach everyone because "Everyone Counts."


To volunteer to be a part of an outreach team, please sign up at the Information Table.

Aiming for the target - GO Church Gun Range outreach
Bulls Eye - Spiritual Wars Gun Range Outreach
Military Breakfast - GO Church outreach to military members and their families
Our South Africa missions team posing in South Africa
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