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Men's Group

The Men's Ministry at GO Church is dedicated to helping men be the godly men God calls us to be. A godly man is a servant, not a slave master. Being a spiritual leader does not mean dominating your family. It means serving your family, and being a godly example to your wife and children. We therefore work to intentionally transform men into the likeness of Christ through our various activities.

It takes a man to reach a man and so our men's ministry helps to bridge the gap and disconnect between men. There are two main connections that men need to grow strong in character and in their faith: A connection to Jesus Christ and a connection to other men where they can be challenged and encouraged to live out what they learn.

We therefore will help men find victory through transparency, accountability, prayer and encouragement.


This Fall, our Men's Group is called "Coach: Men teaching men what matters." Each 90 minute meeting focuses on one of our men teaching others as skill that he has acquired and we build the meeting around that skill.

Other activities Include:

  • Men's Breakfast

  • Sporting Events (fishing, going to games, etc)

  • Discipleship/Accountability groups

  • Service Teams (to provide help as necessary)

  • Men's Study Groups


GO Church Men's Breakfast
Kenneth Altman catches a big one at a GO Church Men's fishing trip
A group of GO Church men just after watching a movie together.
Cookout time - GO Church men enjoy the fixings.
GO Church Men's Adventure Retreat 2021 Recap

GO Church Men's Adventure Retreat 2021 Recap

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GO Church Men's Adventure Retreat 2021 Recap Video
Men's retreat 2021
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© 2024 by Global Outreach Church

Checking out Christian Churches in Virginia Beach? Global Outreach Church is based in the Virginia Beach Town Center area of Hampton Roads, just across the street from Mt. Trashmore. We have an active ministry to Children, Internationals and First Responders. We would love to serve you and your family. For further information, please call us (757) 966-0312 or complete the form on this page.

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